Each month we’ll be focusing on one of The Price Way Tenets.
This month’s tenet:

Principled businesses form the foundation of society. We do not operate to benefit a privileged few; we operate to benefit our entire community.
When the actions and intentions of all our team members align to make the world a better place, everyone wins.
“We focus on serving and achieving the greater good.”

When we serve our customers better than our competitors do, focusing on our customers’ success rather than our own, our customers thrive, grow and ultimately dominate in their marketplace – and so will we.
At Price, service means having short lead times and being on time every time, providing quality, uniquely engineered products and offering expert support so that it’s easy for our customers to do business with us.
“A life of service is a life well lived.”

We strive to practice the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself”
We focus on how we conduct ourselves rather than on whether we win or lose, and given the choice between giving and taking, we choose to give.
“Treat everyone with respect – no exceptions.”

Price is a science-based company. We design and build complex, engineered products, and we guarantee the performance of each one.
Providing straight goods means forgoing gimmicks and never relaying misleading information.
“Our customers can count on the integrity of every statement we make.”

Growth is an imperative. Adopting a strategy of growth and scaling our business comes with risk, but both our successes and failures prepare us for even greater challenges in the future.
At Price, growth is not something that happens to us; it is something we choose.
“There is no such thing as the status quo – you are either growing or shrinking.”

We will never hesitate to proceed with a new business unit, investigate a new technology or learn a new skillset if doing so will better serve our customers.
Our company’s accomplishments to date and capabilities going forward are derived from our continuously acquiring knowledge and fortifying our technical foundation.
“We do not limit ourselves in the future by what we’ve been in the past.”

We are comfortable with risk and uncertainty and are ready to undertake new initiatives that we feel we can master.
Rather than being foolhardy and hasty, our risk-taking is deliberate and collaborative. With an optimistic mindset, we trust our team members to anticipate the challenges and opportunities that await us.
“The easy path teaches us nothing.”

A company needs persistence and staying power to accomplish great things. We will fail only when we stop trying.
Whether we’re entering new markets or launching new products, we’re ready to fight our way through challenging times knowing that we will emerge successful. We are a company of grinders.
“We embrace failure. We learn from it and fall forward, not backward.”

We are builders. We are striving to build a “forever” company, operated in a principled way and valued by our employees, customers and communities.
We take the long view to success. A successful year is one we can look back on and be excited by the foundation we laid for the future.
“In our business, foundation is everything.”

Price has a “no ego” culture where we each contribute our best individually to the team win, celebrating new ideas and successes wherever they come from.
Though we are high achievers by nature, we maintain our humility by remembering our roots as a small company.
“All our accomplishments are team accomplishments.”

We have a high-speed execution model at Price. It is rooted in quick action, course correction and knowing our key drivers of success.
By pursuing a small number of game-changing objectives each year, we can easily track our performance, counter roadblocks and respond to customer needs.
“We focus on the next step and don’t let the immensity of the task ahead distract us.”

The vast majority of Price’s earnings are kept within the company, financing innovation and start-ups internally and shielding the business in a fluctuating economy.
We operate under stringent financial covenants, which encourages us to thoughtfully assess every acquisition and new venture.
“We keep our business financially strong to survive the left curves.”

It is the responsibility of every leader at Price to nurture others to lead in their own right. This leadership culture promotes trust and accountability and distributes authority and responsibility.
An army of leaders will always outperform an army with a single general.
“We create our own future leaders.”
The Price WaY
Our company is guided by 13 tenets. These principles inform how we do business, how we interact with our communities and how we progress as an organization. This is where we come from and where we are going; this is our legacy and our future. This is the Price Way.